Author Guidelines
The Manuscript submitted to AKM: Aksi Kepada Masyarakat must follow APA style. Contributing authors support reading this document carefully and following the ones given below before submitting their papers to the OJS AKM website: Action to the Community.The Manuscript submitted to AKM: Aksi Kepada Masyarakat must follow APA style. Contributing authors support reading this document carefully and following the ones given below before submitting their papers to the OJS AKM website: Action to the Community.
1. Title
Titles Type in Arial Font and A Maximum of 14 Words
2. Author
Author's Name 1 (Font Times New Roman 12 Print Thickness and Name Cannot be Abbreviated and do not use either academic or non-academic titles)Name of Faculty / Study Program, Name of Higher Education, font 11 TNREmail: [email protected] (institutional email is recommended, font 11 TNR)
3. Abstract
Abstract (Times New Roman 11, Bold) Abstract written in English which contains the main issues of research, research objectives, methods / approaches and research results. Abstract written in one paragraph, not more than 200 words. (Times New Roman 11, single space, and italicized). Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords separated by commas. (Times New Roman 11 font is single spaced, and italicized)
Abstrak (Times New Roman, 11 Cetak Tebal)
Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang berisikan isu-isu pokok penelitian, tujuan penelitian, metoda/pendekatan dan hasil penelitian. Abstrak ditulis dalam satu alenia, tidak lebih dari 200 kata. (Times New Roman 11, spasi tunggal, dan cetak miring).
Kata Kunci: Maksimum5 kata kunci dipisahkan dengan tanda koma. (Font Times New Roman 11 spasi tunggal, dan cetak miring)
4. Introduction
Introduction (Times New Roman 12, Bold). The introduction must contain the background to the issue or problem as well as the urgency and rationalization of community service activities (Times New Roman, 12, normal and 1 space).
5. Method of Service
Method of Service (Times New Roman 12, Bold). The research method describes the design of the activity, the scope or object, the main materials and tools, the place, the technique for delivering community service, the timing of the implementation, the stages of implementation and the objectives of the implementation (Times New Roman, 12, normal and 1 space).
6. Results and Discussion
Results and Discussion (Times New Roman 12, Bold). Results and discussion are the most important parts of the entire contents of the service article. It must contain an overview of the service activities, activity material, and the results of the activities, including supporting documentation of the service activities carried out (Times New Roman, 12, normal and 1 space ).
7. Conclusion
Conclusion (Times New Roman 12, Bold). The conclusion contains a brief summary of the results of the dedication and discussion. In addition, it also includes suggestions that refer to the results of dedication (Times New Roman, 12, normal and 1 space).
8. Bibliography
Conclusion (Times New Roman 12, Bold). Bibliography is written in full, according to the references in the description. Bibliography contains only the sources that are referenced in the description. At least 80% of the reference sources are in the form of literature published in the last 10 years.In writing the pustakian list, all authors' names are listed and written in alphabetical order and it is advisable to use the Mendeley reference manager. (Times New Roman, 12, 1 space, after 6 and indented)
Bibliography using Mendeley Reference Management with APA citation model
Aravik, H. (2015). Ghazwul Fikri: Pola Baru Menyerang Islam. NoerFikri Offset.
Irawan, I. (2018). Al-Tawassut waal-I‘tidal: Menjawab Tantangan Liberalisme dan Konservatisme Islam. Afkaruna, 14(1), 49–74.
Ismail, M. S. (2014). Kritik Terhadap Sekularisme (Pandangan Yusuf Qardhawi). Kontekstualita, 29(1), 101–126.
Khaerurrozikin, A. (2015). Problem Sosiologis Pluralisme Agama di Indonesia. Kalimah, 13(1), 93.
Norsaleha Mohd. Salleh, Noor Hafizah Mohd. Haridi, Phayilah Zakaria, Juzlinda Mohd. Ghazali, G. B. R. A. dan M. S. M. N. (2017). Liberalisme Dalam Pemikiran Belia Di Media Sosial (Liberalism Thought Among Youth On Social Media). Fuaduna: Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan Dan Kemasyarakatan, 2(1), 165–175.
Saepullah, A. (2020). Konsep Utilitarianisme John Stuart Mill: Relevansinya terhadap Ilmu-ilmu atau Pemikiran Keislaman. Aqlania: Jurnal Filsafat Dan Teologi Islam, 11(2), 243–261.
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